We meet in church at 10.15am on Sunday, and also share the service on Zoom. You would be welcome to join us in person or on Zoom.
Our children’s groups – ‘Adventurers’ (0-4s) and ‘Explorers’ (5-10s) meet during the service.
To join us on Zoom, please follow this link: CBC Sunday service or enter the following details to join:
- Zoom Meeting ID: 895 1548 9091 Passcode: 328323
- Zoom opens around 10am for the service to start at 10.15am.
A recording of our speaker’s message will be available after the service on YouTube, see tab above or click here.
Sundays at 10.15 am
Informal, contemporary and friendly. That is how we like our services at Chesterfield Baptist Church.
Our Sunday morning services are contemporary and informal. We usually spend about 20 minutes together as a whole congregation and then our young people (0-10 years) go to their own groups.
The speaker then brings a message from the Bible which they hope will be relevant, informative and challenging. We also often invite guest speakers from various different backgrounds to share a message with us.
Our praise and worship music within services is varied and lively. We sing a variety of songs both old and new and aim to create a worshipful atmosphere that everyone can engage with and where everyone can feel comfortable worshipping together.
We share communion together usually on the third Sunday in each month.
We have good disabled access to the main church via a ramp or a lift, there are toilet facilities and baby changing on both floors and a hearing loop is installed.
We conclude our services with tea, coffee and biscuits.